Hanahoe and Hanahoe nominated as Personal Injury & Medical Negligence Law Firm of the Year

Personal Injury and Medical NegligenceHanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors were delighted to be nominated as Personal Injury & Medical Negligence Law Firm of the Year at this Irish Law Awards. Our firm is very proud of the all the hard work we have done over the years assisting countless numbers of clients who have suffered serious injuries as a result of accidents or medical negligence.  At Hanahoe and Hanahoe we take our responsibilities to our clients, the profession and the Court incredibly seriously. We are committed to continued development of our knowledge and expertise in all area’s of the law, but particularly in the areas of personal injury and medical negligence law*. We also strive to have the most update technologies and case management systems to ensure that we can provide our clients with the optimum service. We see this nomination for the this award as an acknowledgement  not only to our expertise in the areas of of personal injury and medical negligence law, but also of our commitment to our clients.

For further information in relation to personal injury or medical negligence claims please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors on 045 897784 (Naas Office) or on  015255637 (Dublin office) or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com or on Facebook

This article is merely for information purposes and is not and should not be taken as legal advice. If you have any queries in relation to this or any other aspect of personal injury or medical negligence law* you should consult with a solicitor who specialises in personal injury and medical negligence law*. No solicitor/client relationship or duty of care or liability of any nature exists between Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors, until you receive written confirmation that we are acting as solicitors on your behalf.


*In contentious business a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.

Compensation for Victims of Workplace Robberies

Image of robbery

Hanahoe and Hanahoe Solicitors LLPThe victims of workplace robberies can often suffer horrendous physical and psychological injuries injuries. Compensation for victims of work places robberies can be achieved in two ways. The first is the victim can make a claim under the ‘Scheme of Compensation for Personal Injuries* Criminally Inflicted’. The second is they can bring a Personal Injury Action*.

‘Scheme of Compensation for Personal Injuries* Criminally Inflicted’. The second is they can bring a Personal Injury Action*.


There are two major problems we see with bringing a claim under the ‘Scheme of Compensation for Personal Injuries* Criminally Inflicted’. The first is that the time limits are very tight. Three months form the date of the crime, save in exceptional circumstances. Secondly the scheme only pays the victims their out of pocket expenses and does not compensate them for the injuries they sustained. Further information on this scheme can be found  https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/justice/victims_of_crime/victims_and_compensation.html

Personal Injury Actions*

If you are seeking compensation for the injuries you sustained you need to bring a personal injury action. At Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors we have acted for a numerous employees who were victims in robberies. Often these clients suffer serious psychological and physical injuries. Thankfully in our experience the physical injuries victim’s suffer then to be relatively minor, however the psychological injuries can be long lasting.

The difficulty with these cases is who do you bring your personal injury action against? Invariable there is very little point in bringing a case against the perpetrator of the crime, as they will not be a mark for damages. This then raises the interesting question of whether employers are liable for injuries sustained by their employees as a result of the criminal activity of a third party.

Employers Obligations

Employers have a statutory duty to provide their employees with a safe place of work and while they cannot always prevent crimes from taking place there are certain actions and precautions they should take to ensure the safety of their employees. Employers should:

  1. If appropriate provide proper security staff
  2. Have a working CCTV and/or security system in place
  3. Ensure staff are trained so they know what to do in a robbery type situation
  4. Ensure that staff are not left alone at their place of work

What should you do if you have sustained injuries in a robbery

If you have been the victim of a robbery at work you should:

  1. Immediately report the matter to an Garda Siochana
  2. Advise your employer of the incident and fill out an incident report form
  3. If you have suffered either physically or psychologically injures you should go and see your Doctor immediately
  4. Speak to a solicitor who specialise in Personal Injury Law*

For further information please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors at our Naas Office on 045 897784 or at or Dublin office at 015255637 or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com or on our facebook page 

For further information on work place accidents* on our main website.

This article is merely for information purposes and is not and should not be taken as legal advice. If you have any queries in relation to this or any other aspect of personal injury law,* you should contact us. No solicitor/client relationship or duty of care or liability of any nature exists between Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors and you, until you receive written confirmation that we are acting as solicitors on your behalf.

*In contentious business a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.




Roszczenia związane z nadmiernym podnoszeniem w miejscu pracy *

Man lifting in warehouse

My w kancelarii „Hanahoe i Hanahoe” jesteśmy specjalistami w zakresie odszkodowań za szkody osobowe* i z powodzeniem reprezentowaliśmy już ogromną liczbę pracowników, którzy doznali poważnych obrażeń w wyniku nadmiernego i nieuzasadnionego podnoszenia, wymaganego w pracy. Nasi klienci często poddawani są dużej presji czasu oraz otrzymują zadania nierealne do wykonania i nie są w stanie wykonać wymaganego od nich podnoszenia w bezpieczny sposób. Takie warunki mogą prowadzić do poważnych urazów kręgosłupa. Obrażenia te mogą być wynikiem jednorazowego wypadku lub powtarzających się obrażeń wywołanych napięciem spowodowanym podnoszeniem o charakterze ciągłym, do wykonywania którego pracownik jest zobowiązany.

Zgodnie z Ustawą o Bezpieczeństwie, Zdrowiu i Opiece Społecznej z 2005 r. pracodawcy mają obowiązek zapewnić swoim pracownikom bezpieczny system pracy oraz odpowiednie instrukcje, szkolenia i nadzór tak, aby ich pracownicy mogli bezpiecznie wykonywać swoją pracę. Większość pracodawców zapewnia swoim pracownikom szkolenia, lecz często mają one formę prostego ćwiczenia pisemnego polegającego na zaznaczeniu odpowiedniego pola lub też kładą nacisk na to, aby ich pracownicy wykonywali nierozsądne zadania,co prowadzi do tego, że nie mogą oni postępować zgodnie z wytycznymi szkolenia, które otrzymują.

W wielu przypadkach szkolenie, jakie otrzymują pracownicy, jest zupełnie nieadekwatne i nie ma związku z zadaniami, których wykonania wymaga się od nich w miejscu pracy. Zgodnie z art. 10 Ustawy o Bezpieczeństwie, Zdrowiu i Opiece Społecznej z 2005 r. pracodawca zobowiązany jest do zapewnienia szkoleń i instrukcji dotyczących określonego zadania, które pracownik ma wykonać. Pokazanie, jak podnosić karton, nie jest odpowiednim szkoleniem, jeżeli na hali fabrycznej wymagane jest podnoszenie ciężarów o znacznie różniącej się wielkości i opisie. Ważne jest również, aby szkolenia były prowadzone w języku zrozumiałym dla pracowników oraz aby pracownicy mogli zadawać pytania i byli zachęcani do zadawania pytań dotyczących dowolnego obszaru, którego nie rozumieją.

Co powinienem zrobić, jeżeli doznałem obrażeń z powodu nadmiernego podnoszenia, które muszę wykonywać w pracy?

1. Zgłoś swojemu pracodawcy incydent, który spowodował uraz.

2. Uzyskaj natychmiastową pomoc medyczną od swojego lekarza rodzinnego. Być może
będziesz musiał udać się do lekarza zakładowego, ale zanim to zrobisz, powinieneś
zasięgnąć porady.

3. Zanotuj, co się stało, wyszczególniając to, co podnosiłeś, gdy doznałeś urazu, gdzie
odnosiłeś, skąd i dokąd, i jaką ten ciężar miał wagę.

4. Jeśli są świadkowie zdarzenia, zapisz ich dane i, jeśli to konieczne, wykonuj zdjęcia.

5. Powinieneś skontaktować się z naszym biurem, aby umówić się na konsultację.

Często zadawane pytania

1. Czy mogę zostać zwolniony z pracy lub ukarany za wzięcie udziału w sprawie przeciwko mojemu pracodawcy o obrażenia ciała?
Krótka odpowiedź brzmi: NIE. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na naszym blogu.

2. Czy mogę zostać zwolniony za podanie pracodawcy o odszkodowanie powypadkowe w pracy? Krótka odpowiedż brzmi: NIE. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, odwiedź nasz blog lub skontaktuj się z nami: 04587784 lub 015255637.

1. Czy będę mógł uzyskać poradę w języku polskim w kancelarii ‘Hanahoe i Hanahoe’?
Tak, mamy w biurze polskiego doradcę.

2. Czy będę musiał zapłacić za konsultację?
Nie. Hanahoe i Hanahoe chętnie doradzają wszystkim klientom, którzy doświadczyli obrażeń ciała. Pobieramy opłaty tylko wtedy, gdy twoja sprawa zostanie wygrana. Udzielimy również szczegółowych informacji podczas wstępnych konsultacji oraz w naszej wstępnej korespondencji na temat obowiązujących opłat.

W celu uzyskania dalszych informacji prosimy o kontakt z radcami kancelarii „Hanahoe i Hanahoe” w naszym biurze w Naas pod numerem 045 897784 lub w biurze w Dublinie pod numerem 015255637 lub pod adresem info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com

Ten artykuł służy jedynie do celów informacyjnych i nie jest, i nie powinien być traktowany jako porada prawna. Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania dotyczące tego lub innego aspektu obrażeń ciała, skontaktuj się z nami. Nie ma żadnej relacji typu adwokat i klient, ani żadnej odpowiedzialności pomiędzy kancelarią prawną ‘Hanahoe i Hanahoe’ a tobą, dopóki nie otrzymasz pisemnego potwierdzenia, że działamy jako prawnicy w twoim imieniu.

* W sprawach spornych adwokat nie może wymagać honorarium ani pobierać dodatkowych opłat będących procentem bądż częścią jakiejkolwiek nagrody lub ugody.

Ile powinienem podnosić w pracy i co uważam za nadmierne?

Spinal injury image

Ile powinienem podnosić w pracy i co uważam za nadmierne?

Adwokaci „Hanahoe i Hanahoe” są specjalistami w zakresie odszkodowań osobistych *. Przez lata z powodzeniem reprezentowaliśmy ogromną liczbę pracowników, którzy odnieśli poważne obrażenia w wyniku nadmiernego i nieuzasadnionego podnoszenia wymaganego w pracy. Co to jest nadmierne podnoszenie i jakie są racjonalne wymagania co do podnoszenia w pracy?

Większość pracowników przechodzi obecnie szkolenia w zakresie obsługi manualnej. Jednak często szkolenia te są nieodpowiednie lub ignorowane czy też niemożliwe do przeprowadzenia ze względu na obowiązki, jakie pracownicy muszą wykonywać w pracy.
W broszurze wydanej przez organ promujący zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo wydanej w 2005 r. “Wytyczne dotyczące zarządzania wykonywaniem czynności manualnych w miejscu pracy” wyraźnie określono zalecenia dotyczące wagi ciężarów, których mężczyźni i kobiety powinni z uzasadnionych powodów oczekiwać pracy. W przewodniku tym zaleca się, że mężczyźni powinni podnosić nie więcej niż 10 kg powyżej wysokości ramion. Na wysokości łokcia limit wynosi 25 kg. Limity te dotyczą tylko sytuacji, gdy jesteś w stanie podnieść przedmiot blisko ciała. Jeśli podczas podnoszenia musisz wyciągnąć ręce, powinieneś podnosić tylko 5 kg powyżej wysokości ramion i 15 kg na wysokości łokci. Wytyczne dla kobiet wynoszą 7 kg na wysokości ramion (3 kg, gdy ramiona są rozciągnięte) i 13 kg na wysokości łokci (7 kg, jeśli ramiona są rozciągnięte).
Podnoszenie ciężarów nad głową nie jest w ogóle uwzględniane przez przewodnik, ponieważ ryzyko spowodowania obrażeń przez pracownika jest uważane za zbyt duże. Zauważono również, że częste lub długotrwałe podnoszenie powyżej wysokości ramion jest szczególnie niebezpieczne. Przewodnik zaleca, aby pracownicy, którzy wykonują taką pracę, mieli częste przerwy na odpoczynek, a tempo pracy, do jakiego są zobowiązani, nie powinno być nadmierne.

Niestety, te wytyczne często są nie przestrzegane przez pracodawców i spotykamy wielu klientów, którzy odnieśli poważne obrażenia kręgosłupa w wyniku nadmiernego podnoszenia wymaganego w miejscu pracy.

W celu uzyskania dalszych informacji prosimy o kontakt z radcami „Hanahoe i Hanahoe” w naszym biurze w Naas pod numerem 045 897784 lub w biurze w Dublinie pod numerem 015255637 lub pod adresem info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com

Ten artykuł służy jedynie do celów informacyjnych i nie jest, i nie powinien być traktowany jako porada prawna. Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania dotyczące tego lub innego aspektu obrażeń ciała, skontaktuj się z nami. Nie ma żadnej relacji typu adwokat i klient, ani żadnej odpowiedzialności pomiędzy kancelarią prawną ‘Hanahoe i Hanahoe’ a tobą, dopóki nie otrzymasz pisemnego potwierdzenia, że działamy jako prawnicy w twoim imieniu.

* W sprawach spornych adwokat nie może wymagać honorarium ani pobierać dodatkowych opłat będących procentem bądż częścią jakiejkolwiek nagrody lub ugody.

5 Things you should not to do if you have been involved in an accident at work where you have sustained personal injuries.*

Being involved in an accident where you have sustained personal injuries* can be very traumatic and stressful. This stress can be heightened if the accident happened at work, particularly if you are worried about the implications it may have on your employment or if you are put under pressure from your employer. If you have been involved in such an accident and you have sustained injuries* you should follow the below instructions:


  1. Never admit liability (ie. do not say that the accident was your fault);
  2. Never sign anything in relation to the accident, without consulting with a solicitor who specialises in personal injuries* law;
  3. Where possible do not attend the company doctor, attend your own medical practitioner. If you do attend the company doctor, ensure that you are doing so in your private capacity. It is important that you also ensure that none of your personal information is released to your employer or their insurance company;
  4. Never speak to your employer’s insurance company without consulting with a solicitor who specialises in personal injury* law;
  5. Never ever enter into settlement negotiations without consulting with a solicitor who specialises in personal injury* law. In the early aftermath of an accident, it is very hard to know how badly you have been injured or what medical treatment you may require in the future. It is therefore for very difficult to know what your claim is worth. Insurance companies will often try to settle claims early in order to limit their exposure;


For further information in relation to an accident at work or indeed any aspect of personal injury* law, please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors on 045 897784 or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com.


This article is merely for information purposes and is not and should not be taken as legal advice. If you have any queries in relation to this or any other aspect of personal injury* law, you should contact us. No solicitor/client relationship or duty of care or liability of any nature exists between you and Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors, until you receive written confirmation that we are acting as solicitors on your behalf.


*In contentious business a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.

5 things you should do if you have suffered personal injuries* as a result of an accident at work.

Being involved in an accident, especially one where you have sustained personal injuries* can be very stressful. If the accident happened at work it can be very difficult to know what to do, especially if you are worried about the implications it may have on your employment. This is particularly important if you have been employed for less than twelve months. If you’ve been involved in such an accident and you have been injured*, here are some tips about what you should do:


  1. Provided that your injuries* are not of such a serious nature that you are unable to do so, you should immediately report the accident to your employer.
  2. You should take a note of any witnesses to the accident and where possible obtain their contact details.
  3. You should try to ascertain whether the area where the accident occurred is covered by CCTV Footage.
  4. Regardless of whether you believe your injuries* are significant or not, you should contact your medical practitioner.
  5. If you have sustained injuries* in the accident and you want advice, you should consult with a solicitor who specialises in personal injury* and employment law.



For further information in relation to accidents at work or indeed any aspect of personal injury* or employment law, please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors on 045 897784 or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com.


This article is merely for information purposes and is not and should not be taken as legal advice. If you have any queries in relation to this or any other aspect of personal injury* or employment law, you should contact us. No solicitor/client relationship or duty of care or liability of any nature exists between you and Hanahoe & Hanahoe solicitors, until you receive written confirmation that we are acting as solicitors on your behalf.



*In contentious business a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.


Can I bring a personal Injury* claim if I have been attacked by a dog?

Dog attacks can cause serious personal injuries* and, in many cases, can also result in the victim suffering serious psychological injuries.

Such attacks have been legislated for under Section 21 of the Control of Dogs Act 1986. This section provides that the owner of the dog shall be liable for the personal injuries* caused in an attack on any person by the dog. It is not necessary for the person bringing the personal injuries* claim to show that the dog had a previous mischievous propensity, or indeed to show that such injury was attributable to neglect on the part of the owner.

Such attacks are generally covered by the owner’s household insurance. However, it is not necessary for the attack to take place on the owner’s property. Therefore, if you have suffered personal injuries* as a result of an attack which happened outside of the owner’s property, the owner’s insurers are still liable to compensate you for the personal injuries* caused.

If you have suffered personal injuries* as a result of a dog attack, you should immediately do the following:

  1. Seek medical attention;
  2. Report the incident to the Gardaí;
  3. Attempt to identify the owners of the dog and report the incident to them;
  4. At the earliest possible opportunity consult with a solicitor who specialises in personal injury* law.

DSCF4521For further information in relation to personal injuries* caused by a dog attack or indeed any aspect of personal injury* law, please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors on 045 897784 or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com.

This article is merely for information purposes and is not and should not be taken as legal advice. If you have any queries in relation to this or any other aspect of personal injury* law, you should consult with a solicitor who specialises in personal injury* law. No solicitor/client relationship or duty of care or liability of any nature exists between you and Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors until you receive written confirmation that we are acting as solicitors on your behalf.

*In contentious business a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.

I am not the type of person who brings a personal injury* claim.


I recently met a lady who, throughout the course of our conversation, informed me that her husband had been very badly injured in an accident* at work. I asked her ‘Did he do anything about it?’ She informed me that he had not brought a personal injury action*, as he was not the type of ‘person who claims.’

The lady spoke about bringing a personal injury claim*, as if it was something akin to committing a criminal offence. While speaking to the lady, it occurred to me what a wonderful job insurance companies PR firms had done, in deterring ordinary decent people from obtaining legitimate compensation for injuries* they had sustained because of the negligence of a third party.

The insurance companies’ PR machine is so persuasive, that not only was this man not going to seek compensation, he was also prepared to pay for all the various expenses associated with his injury. This included an operation, which ironically enough, he had to pay for himself, as it was not covered by his health insurance.

Being involved in an accident*, especially one where you have suffered serious personal injury* can be a very traumatic experience. Not only do you have to deal with the associated pain of your injuries, but you also have to deal with the aftermath of an accident* which can be very frustrating, as your injuries can often restrict your general enjoyment of life. This is without even considering the financial consequences of being injured in an accident*. Many people are unable to work because of their injuries, resulting in serious loss of earnings, not to mention the associated medical expenses.

I do not, nor indeed do anyone at Hanahoe and Hanahoe, condone or act for people who attempt to bring false or fictitious claims. However, we see no reason why someone who suffers an injury in an accident*, which is not their fault, should be further penalised, because they are too ashamed to seek compensation. People need to remember that insurance is big business and all insurance companies are concerned about is their bottom line. Shaming people into not seeking appropriate compensation for their injuries increase that bottom line, but it does so at a significant cost to the injured party.


For further information in relation to accidents* or indeed any aspect of personal injury law*, please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors on 045 897784 or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com.


This article is merely for information purposes and is not and should not be taken as legal advice. If you have any queries in relation to this or any other aspect of personal injury* law, you should you should contact us. No solicitor/client relationship or duty of care or liability of any nature exists between Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors, until you receive written confirmation that we are acting as solicitors on your behalf.


*In contentious business a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.




The Creighton Case shows that the State can be liable for Personal Injuries caused to one inmate by another.

The Creighton Case shows that the State can be liable for Personal Injuries caused to one inmate by another.

In June 2013, Mr Creighton was awarded €150,000 by the High Court in his action against the State for personal injuries he sustained in an unprovoked attack by a fellow inmate. This was heralded as a land mark decision, as it was the first time in Ireland that a plaintiff had been successful in a personal injuries claim against the State for injuries caused by another prisoner.

However despite the publicity the case received, it did not change personal injuries law in Ireland, nor did it change the duty of care that the State owes prisoners in its care. Although this is the first time such a case has been successfully taken against the State, the State have always had a duty of care to take all reasonable precautions to ensure that prisoners are not exposed to the risk of injury.

What was perhaps most notable about this case is that for the first time a prison expert gave evidence on behalf of the plaintiff. This evidence was vital to the plaintiffs claim being successful.

If you have any queries regarding personal injuries or any other aspects of Law, please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe, Solicitors, 16 North Main Street, Naas, County Kildare.

Tel: 045 897784     086 6013611 (24 hours)

Email: info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com

Website www.hanahoe-solicitors-naas.ie



Am I entitled to bring a Personal Injuries* Claim if I was not wearing a seatbelt?

If you have been unfortunate enough to be involved in a road traffic accident, where you have suffered injuries* you may wish to bring a personal injuries* claim to compensate you. There are three key components to any successful claim. Firstly, the accident most result in personal injuries*. Secondly, the accident most be caused as a result of negligence and thirdly, the issue of liability.

Liability is often very clear- cut, such as if you are rear-ended while stopped at traffic lights. In such circumstances, the third party has to be liable. In the ordinary course, the negligent third party will be liable to compensation you fully for all personal injuries*, loss, damage and expense arising out of the accident. However, there are certain exceptions, the most obvious one being where you were not wearing a seatbelt.

You are legally obliged to wear your seatbelt when travelling in a car. If you are in a road traffic accident* where you are not wearing a seatbelt, it is very likely that the personal injuries* you suffer, will be far greater than they would have been, had you being wearing your seatbelt. It is therefore extremely likely that a judge will determine that you were negligent in failing to wear a seatbelt and therefore you contributed to your injuries.

Although you should be compensated for your personal injuries* as the accident was not your fault, the level of compensation may well be reduced. The amount of this reduction will depend on the medical evidence produce at the hearing. There is case law to guide a judge on the level of reduction he/she should attribute to your failure to wear a seatbelt. According to the case law, if, had you been wearing your seatbelt, you would have had no injuries at all from your accident,  then there should be a 25% deduction in compensation. If, you would have suffered from injuries, but they would not have been as severe, then there should be a 10% deduction. In the event that your seatbelt would not have made a difference to your injuries, there may be no deduction at all.

For further information on road traffic accidents* or indeed any aspect of law personal injury* law, please do not hesitate to contact Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors on 045 897784 or at info@hanahoeandhanahoe.com.

This article is merely for information purposes and is not and should not be taken as legal advice. If you have any queries in relation to this or any other aspect of personal Injury* law, you should consult with a solicitor who specialises in personal injuries.* No solicitor/client relationship or duty of care or liability of any nature exists between you and Hanahoe and Hanahoe solicitors, until you receive written confirmation that we are acting as solicitors on your behalf.

*In contentious business a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.